Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the moderators.

  1. No hate speech, discrimination, and/or bigotry. This includes racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, TERFery, SWERFery, xenophobia, and anything else along those lines.
  2. Respect other people and their boundaries. No harassment, unwanted advances, sealioning, trolling, bullying, dogpiling, doxxing, outing, stalking, or anything else along those lines.
  3. NSFW posts are allowed, but ONLY behind a content warning, and NSFW media must be marked as sensitive. Nonconsensual content and sexual depictions of minors are strictly forbidden.
  4. No spamming, excessive/paid advertising, mass-marketing, or using irrelevant hashtags for visibility purposes. Self-promotion is allowed and encouraged - but be yourself, not a "brand".
  5. Don't share misleading information. This includes propaganda, conspiracy theories, promotion of cryptocurrency/NFTs, COVID denialism, deceitful impersonation, and anything else like that.
  6. Don't incite violence, promote toxic ideologies, or link to any sources that do so. This includes religious fundamentalism, left-wing authoritarianism, and essentially anything right-wing.
  7. Don't post any illegal content or otherwise break any applicable laws, including (but not limited to) U.S. copyright law. When in doubt, always ask for consent and/or provide attribution.
  8. Do your part to keep Cutie City a friendly, accessible, and cozy space. Use CWs on posts that others may not want to see/read. Include alt text on images/videos. Be excellent to each other.